


Double Cup Suction Panel Lifter A2
30 kg rating
Double cup suction panel lifter A2 allows panels to be lifted quickly, easily and safely without damaging any of the adjoining access floor panels, including bare and hpl/vinyl finished panels


Double Cup Suction Panel Lifter A1
80 kg rating
Double cup suction panel lifter A1 allows panels to be lifted quickly, easily and safely without damaging any of the adjoining access floor panels, including ceramic-tile and marble-granite finished panels.

Trox FBA Diffuser

200 mm diameter

Floor diffuser suitable for installation in access floors. The swirling type discharge ensure acceptability in critical operating conditions. Due to high induction, the core jet velocity and supply temperature differential rapidly reduce. The floor diffuser has a large number of radial ribs to produce a swirling discharge. The adjustable swirl element is turned to alter the direction discharge between vertical and horizontal.


To Architects