What is the exact definition of Finished Floor Height?
The finished floor height (FFH) is defined as "The nominal vertical dimension from the specified sub floor level to the specified finished floor level".
What range of finished floor heights (FFH) is available?
Using standard pedestals finished floor heights from 50mm to 1200mm are achievable. Bespoke solutions for lower and higher options are available. As a general rule above a finished floor height of 600mm stringers will be introduced to provide additional lateral stability.
How to handle FFH above 600mm?
Please note that when floor systems go above 600 mm it is recommended that stringers are installed. Stringers are a lateral support between pedestal heads and their use will result in an increase in the cost. However, I have seen many installations up to 800 mm with no stringers where the manufacturer has not installed them, as he has left them as an either/or item in his quote and has omitted to tell the client that his system is then not MOB PF2 PS compliant at that height without stringers. This is a common problem - as a personal recommendation one should insist on stringers above 600mm.
What are stringers and why use them?
Bolt on stringers are screwed into the pedestal head and are designed as structural components and as such increase the structural performance of the raised floor system. They will also provide increased lateral stability.
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